What's New on Select Cornwall?

Our recent update has been years in the making and we've worked extremely hard - over a million new lines of code in fact!

The most obvious changes are of course in the appearance, but we've also added a variety of new options and features, which you'll need to know about.

Allow us to give you a run down...



Property Options

Available from your property manager
    Details > Layout

    Add details of bathrooms / toilets

    Add multiple bathrooms or toilets to a property, including the room name (e.g. main bathroom, or en-suite), the type (full bath, toilet only, etc) and a variety of other details.

    Details > Layout

    Kitchen & provisions information

    Outline your kicthen facilities, select the bits and pieces you have available, and add notes if anything is special or unusual.

    Details > Details

    Add the size of your property in m2

    Providing the internal area of the property helps potential guests get a better feel for the place.

    Details > Details

    Bungalow / single storey (yes/no)

    For mobility impaired, this is a very useful thing to be able to filter by.

    Details > Facilities

    Washing machine & dryer options

    For those staying a while, packing light, or packing children; this is pretty important

    Details > Facilities

    WiFi - superfast or regular

    If you have more then 10Mbps WiFi, you're going to do well with business traveller and lovers of Netflix.

    Details > Facilities

    Swimming pool - private or not

    Because some people are really trying to get away from it all.

    Availability & Pricing

    Review your pricing & discounts

    Ensure you're up to date, so you can take bookings up to 2 years in advance.

    Details > Optional Extras

    Optional Extras for Bookings

    Add any 'optional extras' that can be added to a booking (e.g. flowers and chocolates). This new flexible system has a range of pricing options.


    Respond to Reviews

    You can now respond to reviews left by guests, to thank them, respond to complaints, or whatever else. Property reviews have also been extended to cover more points.


User Profiles

Available from your user dashboard
    My Account > My Details

    Add a personal bio

    Listings now include an 'about the owner' section. Add a short introduction to yourself or your company to help win potential customers over.

    My Account > My Details

    Add a profile photo

    Used both in 'about the owner' and our new messaging system, your profile photo is a way to help guests feel more familiar and comfortable with you.

    My Account > My Details

    Add a display name

    Also used in 'about the owner' and in message threads, your display name can be chosen as a more friendly or private option. If not set, your first name will be shown.


New Features

Some highlights of how we've improved Select Cornwall

    User accounts for guests

    Guests can now create an account on the front end of the site, at any time or during a booking. With accounts, guests can now access their booking history, reviews, profile information and the new messaging system.

    Users / Messaging

    Messaging system

    Registered users can now message owners to ask questions about a property before they book, or open a conversation related to a specific booking. Owners letting only on Select Cornwall may opt to have us deal with these messages for them - just let us know!

    My Account > My Details

    Extended reviews

    Reviews are now broken down into four categories: location, value, cleanliness and accuracy. This will help guests by providing more relevant information and will help you by letting you know in better details where you're doing well.