Register with Select Cornwall

Registering with Select Cornwall is quick and easy, just fill out your details below to sign up and start letting.

If you have any questions about any part of the process, our friendly team are always happy to help.

Personal details

Just a little bit about yourself to get started. We'll send you and email to verify your email address.

At least one phone number is required
At least one phone number is required


This should be your home or billing address, not a rental property address, if different.


Please choose a username for your account between 8 and 30 characters long.
You will be able to log on with this username, or your email.


Please choose a password for your account between 8 and 30 characters long.
You need to enter it twice to make sure it's correct.

Length must be 8-30 characters.

Terms and conditions

Please be sure to read all of our terms carefully, and talk to us if there's anything you don't understand.

Once you sign up we'll send you a confirmation email to verify your details.
After clicking 'Register,' please check your inbox and follow the instructions in the email.

Why join Select Cornwall?

It's free to join

There are no sign up fees and no subscription costs - in fact there are no upfront costs at all!

Fantastic features

Almost too many to mention, but highlights include at-a-welcomeglance booking calendar, an ultra flexible pricing system, custom discounts & offers, and location based group booking suggestions to improve your chance of filling the books.

No tie-in obligations

You can let your property wherever else you like, whenever you like. In fact, we even offer a free calendar synchronisation service with other major providers to make multi-location letting a breeze!

Minimal costs on your bottom line

We charge just 3% commission on bookings, preferring instead to add a small service fee on to the booking price to cover the majority of our costs, which means more money in your pocket.

Also perfect for portfolios

Multi-property specific features include grouping of identical properties with single edit function, multi-property group booking, property copy & grouping tools and more. Perfect for large scale lettings or an expanding portfolio.